9/26/18 LMRFD "State of the District"
UNSIGNED -- but apparently produced by the chief as the sorry state of LMRFD is discussed online. LIES, lies and more lies ...
The district is in turmoil and the sorry excuse of a fire chief ,Tony DeMaio, filed an EEOC complaint against "The District", specifically director Charlotte Kiffer.
10/10/18 LMRFD SPECIAL meeting
Mostly executive session, administrative assistant Karen Jackson LIED about the meeting being only informational and they (Cass / chief DeMaio) deliberately scheduled the meeting for the ONLY day when board member Koeppen was NOT available. She attended by phone and did not hear much of what was discussed AND voted on.
10/22/18 regular board meeting
Another LONG agenda including of course another huge executive session. And Mike Karash's request for shorter meetings.