The agenda: https://resources.mohavecounty.us/Repository/Calendar/08-07-2017247dc9c5-4ba5-482d-a781-fd35d3eb77f1.pdf
The tax and budget related items are at the VERY end, items 57 and 1.
The SCANNED images of documents, deliberately converted to images to make it difficult to analyze and impossible to search and to copy/paste:
I ran it through OCR, but I can't guarantee accuracy:
And here is all kinds of INTERESTING info on the tax increase:
ALL docs related to the 8/7/17 meeting:
The truth in taxation disclosure attached to Item 57 is really misleading and they SHOULD add that the taxes are actually MUCH higher (about 3 - 4 times higher) once you pay all the "extras" for schools, fire dept, etc.
"If the budget were adopted with this rate, the taxes on a $100,000 home would reflect a truth in taxation increase from $195.16 to $248.96, an increase of $53.80 over the truth in taxation rate."
VERY misleading! They should explain that MC only gets 23.46% of the TOTAL property tax.