Tentative and final budgets:
Tentative 2018 budget:
I had a look at 2008 and it has SO much more info! 159 pages compared to 16 pages now.
No graphs, no percentage changes and basically not a lot of info at all.
What's up with that?
Attached is the annotated 2018 budget. I started highlighting items I had questions about and adding little notes, but quickly gave up on the notes as my questions are obvious.
Planning & Zoning-Development Services: 2017 budget: 2,044,400 -- 2017 actual expense: 1,673,080 -- 2018 budget: 2,170,309
Why do we expect an increase of 500,000?
We also have very small expenses such as:
Senior Volunteer Recognition: 2017 budget: 6,460 2017 -- actual expense: 0 -- 2018 -- budget: 6,524
They could not find a single senior volunteer worthy of recognition?
There MUST be a document somewhere explaining why there are so many huge discrepancies.
Many items were budgeted for in 2017 and they just didn't use the money.
I realize that funds might be budgeted and a project gets delayed, but I'm sure this is explained somewhere.
This budget is really a sorry excuse of a budget.
There are no percentage changes, I shouldn't have to go through line by line and eventually I gave up highlighting because I just need the document with all the info.
To find an item like "Senior Volunteer Recognition" in the budget click Ctrl F in the pdf and search for "senior".
Another strange entry:
Immunization Program 2017 budget: 1,130,329 2017 -- actual expense: 497,968 -- 2018 budget 1,133,908
We're causing so much suffering and even death, destroying the kids' immune systems and paying for it too, how wonderful! The only immunization program we should have is for measles parties so that all the kids get it.
Is that grant money or OUR money?
Apparently the appointment of Supervisor Moss to judge causes now problems as per this Miner article:
... If the board of supervisors cannot come to a consensus on a budget, continuing with current funding levels will put the county in a disastrous position, said Supervisor Jean Bishop.
“We’ve got the $2.8 million deficit and if we continue forward with the budget as it stands now, we will not be able to cover this amount and we will be in bigger trouble,” Bishop said. “I think that could mean employee layoffs or department cuts, and will be almost as drastic as what we will have to do if Supervisor Buster Johnson’s budget (calling for a 3.5 percent across the board cut to county departments) moves forward.”
Time for another email to District 4 Supervisor Jean Bishop:
Ms. Bishop,
I just read https://kdminer.com/news/2017/jul/28/resignation-limits-options-mohave-county-budget-fi/ -- is this article accurate?
I've been trying to make sense of the 16 page budget posted at the county website. I also looked at the 159 page budget from 2008.
There are COUNTLESS items in the budget that make no sense to me and I posted a few at https://forum.highdesertdirt.com/mohave/mohave-county-property-tax-increase/mohave-county-budgets/
Where is the budget with all the info as in 2008? 2018 doesn't even show the percentage changes!
Where are the documents explaining the reasons for the many items that show budget increases or budgets that stayed the same as last year but were not used?
I'm sure there are reasons for the many increases and unused funds and I'll greatly appreciate your sharing.
Thank you,
Christine Baker
Today I received an email from Marianne Salem, CPM, Executive Assistant for Supervisor Jean Bishop.
Good Morning Christine,
You can click on the link to get the agenda and the backup material for the Board of Supervisors meeting to be held on Monday, August 7, 2017.
The agenda and backup can be viewed here: https://www.mohavecounty.us/VideoMeetingViewer2.aspx?group=1&agenda=137&template=1
Marianne Salem, CPM
Executive Assistant for
Supervisor Jean Bishop
Mohave County Supervisor District 4
Went to the agenda, found nothing but the attachment to Agenda Item 1:
Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2017-100 thereby adopting the FY2018 property tax levy(s) and final budget with any applicable modifications.
The attachment is the proposed budget:
Don't know anything more now than before I wrote to supervisor Bishop.
My response to Marianne Salem:
Thank you, Marianne.
Is this what I'm supposed to be looking at?
https://lfportal.mohavecounty.us/bos/0/doc/1122098/Page1.aspxThat's just the budget I already have.
I'm assuming that you are responding to my request for ADDITIONAL information, emailed to Ms. Bishop on 8/1/17:
> Ms. Bishop,
> I just read
> https://kdminer.com/news/2017/jul/28/resignation-limits-options-mohave-county-budget-fi/ -- is this article accurate?
> I've been trying to make sense of the 16 page budget posted at the
> county website. I also looked at the 159 page budget from 2008.
> There are COUNTLESS items in the budget that make no sense to me
> and I posted a few at
> https://forum.highdesertdirt.com/mohave/mohave-county-property-tax-increase/mohave-county-budgets/
> Where is the budget with all the info as in 2008? 2018 doesn't even show the percentage changes!
> Where are the documents explaining the reasons for the many items
> that show budget increases or budgets that stayed the same as last year but were not used?
> I'm sure there are reasons for the many increases and unused funds
> and I'll greatly appreciate your sharing.
> Thank you,
> Christine BakerWhat am I missing? Can you tell me where I can find the answers to my questions?
Thanks much,
Christine Baker
I received no reply and just sent another email directly to Jean Bishop:
Ms. Bishop,
The response to my 8/1/17 request for more information was apparently sent by your assistant Marianne Salem. She provided a link that contained NO additional information and I asked her WHERE I can find the answers to my questions. I have not received a response.
What is going on?
You don't have answers?
Christine Baker