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Living near Meadview since 2000, I know now that I should have moved FAR AWAY instead of moving down the road a couple miles in 2006. Can we turn Meadview into the thriving community it SHOULD be.
In this forum I will document the good, the bad and the ugly.
Meadview is in the most beautiful high desert Joshua Tree forest and Mohave County is stunningly diverse.
Unfortunately, Mohave County ought to be the dictionary picture for mismanagement. Crime and drug abuse are rampant. The rural areas have been abandoned by the Board of Supervisors. We can't even get District 4 Supervisor Jean Bishop to get us DIRT -- that's right, we're not even worthy of a load of dirt to repair the roads after flash floods. Even the few "county maintained" roads are often IMPASSABLE until local residents fix them. Many rural areas do not have timely emergency medical services.
I'm hoping to find others who care about the PEOPLE and to make Mohave County a better place to live and die for the many seniors and veterans who retire here.
Christine Baker