If you watch the video, please post the TIME for important events, such as Charlotte asking Deb to resign from chair, the discussion about the world's most incompetent administrative assistant Karen Jackson, etc.
I would like to create some outtakes and it would really help to know where to start.
Three board seats are up and five people are running -- Deb Cass must be voted out! [update 9/19/18: she's not up for reelection in 2018]
A repost of incorrect / ommitted info in the DRAFT minutes prepared by administrative assistant Karen Jackson.
Every video should be indexed by Agenda item or otherwise notable events so that legislators / regulators can easily find the important stuff.
Spent this beautiful day at the computer comparing the posted minutes with your video.*It is not in the minutes that Bill Whittington stated, unequivocally, that "30 days after Board approval, an annexation is IN District, whether or not it shows on the tax rolls". It would be good to have that documented for future reference. It was Whittington's erroneous advice to Cass in June that caused Theodora to be "renounced" from her acceptance into the temporary Board position because her annexation wasn't yet showing on the tax rolls. 21:49 on video* Pg. 6; No mention of Charlotte requesting Chair to resign for not following procedures, biased behaviors costing taxpayer dollars, running up attorney bill approx. $800 w/o Board approval to try to censure and file lawsuit against Charlotte. Eric scolding Chair for doing things w/o Board approval, and 2nd Charlotte's motion. Charlotte & Eric Yay, Karash & Cass Nay. 1:11:45 Video27:43 on video: Chief didn't bring the Oath of Office or the Certificate of OML Compliance, so Theodora could not be sworn in at the meeting.Pg. 6; Re: Theodora not being seated due to "Pending compliance form".Pg. 6; Re: Annexation Resolution. Chief said "he pulled the info off the website and prepared the annexation request". This is the AA job. Why is he doing it? 1:22:00 VidPg. 7; The Phillips monitors were purchased 6/30/09. They are 9 yrs. old. No big dif.Pg. 7; The monthly payment proposed, in the amount of $2605.65, is not included in item Z. Nor is the $20,627 in interest the taxpayers would be paying. 1:23:30 Vid* Call to the Public; "Walt Kiffer.....decide the information provided in reports..." What kind of meaningless babble is that? Walt very clearly stated that the Board should, as part of its evaluation process when determining whether to change to RFP, find out if they can get reports with information they need, as that has been repeatedly stated as a problem with the current billing company. (It is NOT really a problem, as Mediclaim provides a multitude of very useful reports. The chief just doesn't want to expose them. The Board can request them directly. The Board hires the billing company and defines the parameters of its service, and is entitled...even obligated, to view and analyze the monthly reports.) 1:37:49 Video* Call to the Public; Omitted: My suggestion that 2 monitors be purchased and placed in the 2 first out ambulances, pay cash and avoid 5 yrs of debt. We only have one crew in each station and the brush truck is rarely in District. (Actually, I calculated it and chief and brush truck are in District 20% or less of the time) 1:39:40 Video* Call to the Public; Omitted: My suggestion that duties requiring handling of sensitive data, at least, be moved to a professional, secure location such as Gabe's (Accountant) office. 1:40:50 VideoIt is clear that suggestions made by taxpayers at the Call to the Public are ignored entirely or recorded in a totally incomprehensible manner.