An extensive listing and analysis of Trump's racism:
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019
While our local Republicans deny that Trump is racist and supportive of white supremacists, the white supremacists get it.
The white supremacists consider Trump their "ULTIMATE SAVIOR". They're a LOT smarter that our local haters.
From the article:
... Meanwhile, white supremacist groups have openly embraced Trump. As Sarah Posner and David Neiwert reported at Mother Jones, what the media largely treated as gaffes — Trump retweeting white nationalists, Trump describing Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals — were to white supremacists real signals approving of their racist causes. One white supremacist wrote, “Our Glorious Leader and ULTIMATE SAVIOR has gone full-wink-wink-wink to his most aggressive supporters.”
Some of them even argued that Trump has softened the greater public to their racist messaging. “The success of the Trump campaign just proves that our views resonate with millions,” said Rachel Pendergraft, a national organizer for the Knights Party, which succeeded David Duke’s Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. “They may not be ready for the Ku Klux Klan yet, but as anti-white hatred escalates, they will.”
And at the 2017 white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, said that the rally was meant “to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.”
So while Trump may deny his racism and bigotry, at some level his supporters seem to get it. As much as his history of racism shows that he’s racist, perhaps who supported him and why is just as revealing — and it doesn’t paint a favorable picture for Trump.
Yup. They get it. And so do the shooters and attackers, the gun nuts, the mentally unstable. Trump is their savior, their Messiah, the Chosen One.
The only people who don't get it seem to be the Republicans.
I wonder whether The Family is involved with the white supremacists.