8/1/16 District 4 Supervisor Candidate Forum in Golden Valley
Published on Aug 3, 2016
Rick Armstrong, incumbent Jean Bishop, Mervin Pitchfork Freedom (Mervin Fried) and Krystal Symonds-Gabrielson:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Unfortunately, the Meadview Community Organization (COM) and the Dolan Springs Council did NOT allow questions for the candidates at the town hall meetings.
Meadview COM also prohibited the video recording of the candidates' speeches and COM ENDORSED Jean Bishop in violation of its non profit mandate to not engage in political campaigning.
This is how elections are rigged in Mohave County.
Dissent and discussion are eliminated by corrupt organizations who ensure that NO DISCUSSION of the issues takes place. To my knowledge, my videos of the Golden Valley forum are the ONLY record of the 2016 District 4 Supervisor campaign. If you have additional video, please post the link.