I'd like to make a short summary of the most bizarre events such as Jean Bishop lying to the people of Dolan Springs about her property tax increase proposal, at the 2016 GV forum and there are many statements by supervisors online with the BOS meetings. So there is a lot of footage, but I'll also include documents, such as budgets etc.
1) A short version to present at a BOS meeting.
2) The more detailed version.
Appreciate any suggestions for software. I'm even considering getting a Mac. Over 20 years ago I said NEVER again, but if Windows software is pricey, I might as well go with a Mac because according to reviews, the free movie editing software is pretty good.
I'm not looking to spend hundreds of hours learning software either, don't have the time to take a class. Need something intuitive to a windows user.
I'll be posting issues in separate topics and I welcome suggestions and material!