Arizona’s Open Meeting Law in a Nutshell
Information compiled by: Liz Hill, Assistant Ombudsman – Public Access
Last revised August 2010
The excerpts below are from this latest published version.
Why do we have an Open Meeting Law?
1. To protect the public.
a. To avoid decision-making in secret.
b. To promote accountability by encouraging public officials to act responsively and
2. To protect public officials.
a. To avoid being excluded (notice).
b. To prepare and avoid being blind sided (agenda).
c. To accurately memorialize what happened (minutes).
3. Maintain Integrity of government.
4. Better informed citizenry.
5. Build trust between government and citizenry.
LMRFD failed to build ANY trust. It does all it can to EXCLUDE the public, as documented by its refusal to provide notices of meetings and other important information through its website.
Another important excerpt, as LMRFD is regularly WEEKS late with posting minutes:
The minutes or a recording of the public session must be open for public inspection no
later than three working days after the meeting, except as otherwise provided in the
statute. A.R.S. § 38-431.01(D).