The stupidity of the local loudmouths documented. I ask for information, Fitzhugh Havens insults me and Paggy Hastings Esquibel thinks he's funny.
As usual, I get no reply when I ask dumb people followup questions to clarify their position and reasoning.
I don't know what's wrong with people, not just in our county, but world-wide.
I recently found out that our babies' IQ is lowered when pregnant women are exposed to certain pesticides. I also learned that watching TV lowers the IQ. Considering how many generations have been exposed to pesticides and TV, and now FaceBook and social media, how much has the average IQ declined?
Anyone with half a brain would realize that so much of our healthcare costs are related to treating cancer.
It would be so much more cost efficient to either just fix the water problem at the source or just give every resident a Berkey or similar filter.
Whether it's politicians limiting their interests to the next big campaign donation and getting / staying elected or corporate boards worrying only about the next quarterly earnings reports -- who still thinks ahead and cares about the consequences of their actions?
Of course it is understandable that politicians and corporate boards primarily care about their immediate benefits -- getting elected, staying elected and getting paid. CEO compensation is often tied to their stocks' performance NOW. Nobody cares what's going to happen in a few years.
I've actually seen comments on Facebook stating that we don't need to think ahead, let the next generation worry about all those problems we are facing and often causing.
When it comes to "ordinary" people like Fitz and Peggy, what do they get out of their family, friends and neighbors getting cancer?
What happened to COMPASSION?
Is it related to IQ? Or is it because conservatives in general lack compassion?
Why are people so incredibly mean and heartless?
Since I don't really expect an answer here, I searched the web and found this interesting opinion piece: