My original blog post about the EWG water tests with extremely high levels of Chromium-6
My blog at includes my correspondence with the County and EWG. The County could not possibly care less, but at least they didn't ignore my emails as EWG did.
I'm discouraged by EWG ignoring my requests for more info and I will probably just let this go. For around $300 you can buy a Berkey filter -- it's not in my budget, but neither is cancer.
I'm sad for the people who don't know or just don't have the money / credit.
The more I get involved in this ultra conservative county, the less I want to do.
Many extraordinary dumb people actively working to shut down anyone who wants to better the lives of the residents.
So many poor people live here because it's CHEAP living. We have so many people with disabilities and chronic diseases, many seniors and vets.