On 7/17/17 I sent this message to the Mohave County Landowners Association at http://mc-loa.com/contact-us.html :
Please have a look at
https://highdesertdirt.com/blog/2017/06/26/my-open-letter-to-district-4-supervisor-jean-bishop-regarding-roads/Just posted the deputy county attorney's response in the comments.
How do you feel about the 25% property tax increase? Are you lobbying against it?
I am in the process of starting a new website dedicated to:
1) promote tourism and feature the countless beautiful hikes, beaches, etc.
2) expose how Mohave County operates. Nobody should buy real estate in Mohave County not knowing that they could be sued into bankruptcy for not maintaining the roads, that the fire districts providing emergency medical services are all struggling, crime and drugs are rampant, etc.
3) CHANGE Mohave County, so that it once again becomes a great place to visit, invest and live in!
Please let me know if you'd like to work with me or if you have any info that might be helpful with stopping the property tax increase.
Christine Baker
I have not received a response, so I just submitted the link to this post:
I didn't get a response to my last message, so I posted it at my new forum:
Appreciate your response!
Christine Baker
If they're just another Do-Nothing organization, there's obviously no need to join them.
Hang on to your wallet, I will update here if they contact me.