Meadview, Lake Mead City, Dolan Springs and Mohave County Resources and Discussion

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The Muslim hating MUST stop
John Plough ran for sheriff in 2016 and in 2018 he applied for the job of county supervisor. Fortunately he did not get those jobs as he is one of the most hateful people I've met in MC. Plough stated during the campaign for sheriff that he was for deporting EVERY Muslim, even if born in the US. Too many locals have been brainwashed by FAKE NEWS and he has way too many supporters.
Mohave County BOS voted to rename road after LaVoy Finicum
Finicum was killed by a Oregon state trooper when he refused to surrender after occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southern Oregon with the Bundies -- the freeloading ranchers who refused to pay their grazing fees to BLM after extensive litigation. WHY are ranchers supposed to get our very limited resources? THOUSANDS of wild horses are murdered because there is so little food -- so that the Bundies can make a killing off stolen land.
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Fact: Christianity is responsible for the most cruel torture and killings
Too many Americans simply do not know, are blinded by hatred and encouraged by Trump's anti Muslim tirades. WARNING: graphic images
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America created, financed and trained radical Muslims
Muslim hating IGNORANT Americans ...
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